
Showing posts from 2014

Thoughts about Christmas......

Isn't it funny the way we all simply take for granted the Christmas story without the bat of an eye lid. In fact apart from a a few exceptions much of the world celebrates Christmas. In some ways it is one celebration which unites the world. If one unpicks the parts of the story it is all quite extraordinary. Not what you would be a plan to take over the world. So let's think about it God comes as a Baby. It's an absolute genius idea God in disguise as a baby. Who would imagine that God would come as a Baby of all things no-one would guess that surely. You might think that the whole episode would go unnoticed. However it seems that God did not want this event to go totally unnoticed and so he left a trail of bread crumbs that would lead people to a baby. If that wasn't enough a few who knows hundred or thousand Angels come to announce to some local nobodies in the form of shepherds about this miraculous event. At the opposite end of the spectrum are the other group of p...


I wanted to put some thoughts down whilst they were milling around my head. I wanted to sow some ideas which will challenge many of us even myself. When talking about evangelism I know that word scares people off so lets call it loving people into the kingdom. I hear preaches all the time about reaching out to those people around us and of course I agree those people who are directly around us need to hear the gospel and about Jesus if they dont already know him. There are definitely people in our direct influence who we can reach out to who we work with in our family possibly even our neighbours. But lets face it many of us if were honest live in or choose to live in nice areas, and if we dont now if we had the money we would choose to. For some of us that are married and have kids we would argue that we want to give our children the best start in life and it matters which primary school they go to etc. You wouldn't want them getting in with the wrong crowd. These are all genuin...
THIS IS QUITE A WHILE A GO SO I THOUGHT I WOULD POST IT ANOTHER COMING REALLY SOON .........I have just returned from Pune, India where I had the honor to be invited to a wedding which was a week long. It was like my reward for working hard of late on my postgrad in Youth and community studies which I finished the tuesday before I flew out. As well as essays I had been working on a community Audit project which meant engaging with the local community finding out their views on the area which was both eye opening. It has made me excited about working with the local community on different projects in the near future. So India, twas amazing I pretty much partied for the time I got there to the time I left.  I was treated like a princess chauffeured everywhere I went, wined and dined, danced with what more could a girl ask for. I did not have to lift a finger everything was done for me, all I had to worry about was what I would wear and and the photos I would take. I probably did...