Almost the greatest love story ever told according to Angela and Reggie Episode 2

Fast forward eight months where there had been a little interaction in between but not enough for me to think anything of it. The last weekend of February he called me on video chat and showed me what he was having for dinner and his apartment which was huge and quite smart. I throught to myself he's got it a bit more together than what I've given him credit for. We had a nice chat and organised to see each other the following weekend when he was over for a conference he was preaching at. In the end the only time we could meet was on Sunday evening after my church meeting. So the following Sunday I went to the what is called home meeting to catch up with him or so I thought. 
Instead all I got out of him was "It's so good to see you over and over." Then he preceded to talk to one of my younger pretty friends who I was convinced he liked. After all why was he talking to her? 
Actually the opposite was true he really liked me and was so nervous he couldn't get his words out with me.  He told me later that as he stood by my side during the meeting he couldn't take his eyes off me as I worshipped God. 
What happened next should have made me realise the guy was in love with me or at least interested but once again I was oblivious. He said I'm sorry we didn't get to catch up properly so next time I come to the UK I'm just coming to see you no ministry. Or course that time never came. The next time he came over it was because he had already told me he liked me and was beginning the process of pursuing me in the flesh. He's recently told me a twist to the story. He had actually lost his passport whilst he was over here and he thinks that God was giving him a second chance to let me know he liked me. Of course just like me he didn't realise and carried on his merry way back to holland. 
Fast forward about 3 months; it was after I had come back from a holiday with Oakhall holidays in search of a special guy to Spain. Ironically I thought I had found someone but a las they were clearly not up for pursuing me and they were not very bothered about young people. In fact after a conversation with them I realised they were actually pretty negative about them. 
So after thinking I'm going to leave this and see if he starts to chase me, although after the convo about a group of rowdy teenagers next door causing trouble I simply began to lose interest. 

On the Friday before the eventful day Reggie confessed to me his undying love I had a fasting and praying day for the cafe. I was in the local park by my work where I would go to have a quiet time. I was praying specifically about the cafe project idea I had had for 20 years as after I came back from Spain there would be a shift in my life. I had no idea at that point how huge that would be. I was reading I think it was Isaiah 43 and God was confirming that now was the time to get started on the cafe project, each bit of the passage pointed that way. After some time in prayer where I felt God was clearly speaking I said to God this is all very well and good but you need to send me a team, someone to help me little did I know that less than 3 days later God would answer that prayer in a spectacular way. 

I was sitting in my garden it was a lovely evening and I was enjoying chilling and I was praying / daydreaming about asking a musician friend out who was a few years older than me and also he was very quiet I wanted to dig down to find out if there was anything there. Suddenly I'm woken from my trance by a message from Reggie as we had been  involved in a conversation we had been having that week. Which started by Reggie asking me to pray for him coming to England once again earlier that week. This was nothing unusual he had asked me to do this a few times. I never actually thought he would go through with it so I never really took more notice. However this time it was slightly different that morning which was a Sunday he had asked me to pray about it once again. This time it got me thinking does this guy like me. I kind of knew he did way at the back of my mind but to be honest I never thought anything would come of it. How wrong I was lol!


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