God is not our sugar daddy !

During a social media fast recently I felt God speak to me really clearly which set me off on a train of thought which results in this blog. It is so true when you take the distractions out of our lives such as social media. You can be left with a lot of time on your hands. Beyond this you are faced with yourself and those things you try to distract by social media that are your own sometimes painful realities. So one morning at the beginning of this media fast I had been faced with one of these painful realities ( that's perhaps for another time) and was struggling and thought to myself I could sure do with a quiet time right now but I was so busy, oh boy Jesus how . After a day of full activity I was sat on my bed and thought well I feel better I can't remember why I was struggling and I don't really need to spend time with God now. In that instance I had this revelation was that it, did I just go to God when I needed something or I was feeling down. I mean what kind of relationship is that? A very selfish that's one. Can you imagine how long a friendship, relationship or even a marriage would last if we only related with that person when we needed something.
The truth is our default when it comes to our relationship with God is to go to him when we need something and stay away when we have everything we need. Now this kind of relationship is the type a child would have with his father. Now there is nothing wrong with us having a relationship with God as our Dad because he certainly is our father and he does provide for us and meet our every need.


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