Angela's Autumn Antics!!

Just to bring you up to date the story in brief is that this time last year this man who wanted to leave a legacy behind after he died so he left his house to YWAM. The short story is that we got given the use of the housenat the beginning of this year. It looked quite different to how it does now we spent quite a few months redecorating and renovatingl. However we still have the bathroom to do and my bedroom it seems like a never ending story.......

Summer turned out to be a real surprise we didn't go on the boat 'THE NEXTWAVE' in the end which was a bit disappointing but we went to YWAM base near Coventry called The Kings Lodge where there was a Wildfire camp.We took 10 young people with a family from London to the camp which was absolutely awesome the first was week was like a training week for the young people which we called FREEDOM CAMP. The young people came from Egypt, America, Uganda, Poland and Britain. It was amazing to see how much the young people grew in just that two weeks. The idea was to get the young people fired up and give them some basic teaching on stuff like Hearing God's Voice, forgiveness, Holy Spirit and reaching out to others.
Then the second week was outreach week we sent a team off to Bosnia and the others stayed around and we reached out in different ways to the people on an estate near to where we were staying. It was the young people themselves who did most of the work, they presented dances, juggling and worship amongst other things. What was even better was that we made a really impact on the estate I am sure the people who will carry on the work there will see alot of fruit before long.........

It feels like I have been here at Zetland for quite a while now although it has not even been a year yet I feel completely at home it seems like I really fit in as an Eastender.
My main project is Wildfire Kings Kids which is a initative to engage young people with mission getting them involved in God's business the things that matter to God the most. We challenge them and equip them to hear God's voice for themselves and so they can be History makers both now and in the future.
God is widening my understanding of why it is so important for God to get a hold of our children when they are young. The younger they are the better as we can shape and mold them in the ways of the kingdom

"Train [a] a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from it. " Proverbs 22:6

Not only are we to rescue them from the difficulties of the way the world is heading. Furthermore I believe they have the potential to be history makers and in God's hands they are God's most powerful secret weapon we must not underestimate them and the effect they can have.

Much of my time has been taken up with producing various publications to get out the news and give more young people the opportunity to experience wildfire across London. Then there has been the organisation of the camps and events. We have also been visiting churches with a small team from wildfire where we have presented what we have been doing and a sample of their dancing. We use and encourage our young people to get involve and use the arts as much as possible.
Please pray for Wildfire and that there is consistency with the young people who are coming along as this is a difficult one in London where families are so busy all the time. Please pray that they will see it as a priority to send their young people and have their children challenged and getting involved in things that bother to God

We have also started a youth club on the estate where we are living it has only been going six weeks but already we have had a number from the club come to our Church. We are getting on average 40 young people every thursday. The idea of the club is to create a place that will be a place for the young people to come there is no progamme put on for the young people they just come to hang out and play pool and stuff.
Please pray for the young people who come and particulary their saftey, and that we will be able to build really strong and meaningful relationships with which we will be able to introduce them to the most important person in the universe!!

Then finally recently Sara who lives with us turned 15 and where she comes from it is a huge birthday like 21st is in England. So she had a big party in our church but the best thing about it was, was the fact that most of the neighbours came who we have been getting to know over the last nine months.
Please pray for these relationships and that we would be able to introduce them to Jesus and that we would be able to keep investing into these relationships!!!

So I have had a great first year or nearly in the East and I am looking forward to what the future here has in store. I have found some really great new friends!!


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