Controversial thoughts

My mum passed me an article today about how a fostering couple in Derby had their application to foster be denied because they would not teach their foster children the council's line on homosexuality. Unbelievable how can people think that promoting homosexual lifestyle to young people even children is right.  Homosexuality is on the increase and there has to be a reason for that it is not a coincidence that people are choosing same sex relationships over marriage. Which could actually lead to the extinction of humanity or perhaps at least to creating humans without traditional sexual intercourse besides the idea of one coming from a loving relationship between a man and a woman ideally within Marriage
Family is being destroyed from all directions and perversions in sexuality is one way of doing this besides monogamy being very far and between in same sex relationships therefore causing more and more hurt and pain, it too is the cause of STD's.
There are many other topics that we need to be really on top of like the way our children are being sexualized under our noses and we don't even realise it, our children seem to be children for a shorter length of time however in actual fact it is the opposite we are actually children for much longer emotionally because of the breakdown of our families and the lack of care affirmation love acceptance and of course affection which has always been scare in our culture and society but now there seems to be a plain famine of it as we are so incapable of showing our emotions which I think has a lot to do with the altering of sexual appetites. Oh how the devil has captured our world right under our noses and quite often for sometime before we wake up we think it is progress.

For many years we actually thought that abortion was progress that now women could choose to do what that wanted with bodies. How could we possibly think that killing innocent unborn living babies was progress.
I have recently been in Argentina where they are trying to pass the abortion law I believe one of their thoughts it that they want to develop like the other countries that already have these laws but what they don't realise is that the countries that have passed these laws have become lawless we are not going forwards or developing or going into the light we are going more and more into darkness!!



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