Moving forward step by step!!

I want to start by saying God is so good even when all the events don't go in your favour. Since coming back to England I have embarked on a new life and in some ways a new relationship with Jesus. Of course I knew him before. I think it is true that the more you get closer to Jesus the more you realise you don't know him or that there is so much to know!!

Back in August I felt God say that I wouldn't be out of work again that I would have work from then on. In August I decided to go back to the job I had done before I was in YWAM. I really do now wish that I had had this idea in January or February when I started looking for work in Manchester.  If I am honest it was pride and fear that stopped me looking into this line of work as I felt it would be like going backwards how wrong I was.

In September I started working at Trinity High School as a Teaching Assistant. An agency got me the position, if I look back it was quite miraculous that I got the job because I didn't really have much experience in this field. The agency decided I was a good candidate from all the work I had done with young people and the fact that I had had a short stint as a Learning Support Assistant in a Further education college some years ago. It was really tiring at first and some days I would come home and just want to sleep, the young people were very demanding and I found I needed to stand in my identity in Christ so much more especially as insults would fly from the young people at us.
I started by working with year 9 or 13 years old many of them with massive attitudes which can be really challenging learning when to stand your ground and when to let these go.  I work with the Special needs young people who have learning difficulties and have emotional behavioural problems, some of these young people are in care or their grand-parents are the ones that bring them up.  It is not surprising that these young people are extremely angry and they don't trust anyone they have no concept of consequences because for them the worst has already happened, as far as they are concerned no one cares about them and no one loves them so why should they even try!
Still I believe that there is hope and especially as Christians we can love those who reject that Love, if that love is powerful enough I am convinced it will break through.  Some of the staff care about the kids but not all of them which is difficult to hear for some of the other TA's it is only a job.  I have been astounded of the number of children who's level of literacy is absolutely appalling.
At the moment I am working with year 7 they don't have as much attitude and it is actually lovely to work with them for the most part they show respect for authority unfortunately by the time they get to year 10 they don't care however I am sure we can see that change!!
In one of my year 7 classes there are at least 10 young people with special needs some of them can't write very well and others cannot spell at all.  It seems to me that our education system is failing our young people.  Perhaps this will be another battle I will fight in the coming years, at the moment this is a new area for me and I am trying to learn how to adapt the curriculum and the lessons for my kids.  It is the kind of job where you can do as much or as little as you want!
I have just been made permanent as one of the long term staff is leaving at the beginning of December so I am going to go from 3 days a week to 5 and full time on Contract so I am so excited about this.  There was a full time role a little while a go and I had an interview but didn't get it due to my lack of experience however they wanted to offer me a part-time role which I started a little while ago and now this permanent role has come up!  I went for quite a few roles in other schools but they didn't give me the jobs due to my lack of experience. That is why I  know God arranged this position at Trinity even when I didn't get the job I knew that God would have me back there.  The school has a Christian ethos and the kids are from a faith background but still there is a lot to do.  I have always enjoyed working in school, Schools work was always my favourite part of youth work, I'm not doing youth work but I am definitely contributing to investing in young peoples lives which is rewarding and fulfilling, even in this role I am building the Kingdom in school.  
Please pray for my relationship with the kids that I would be able to encourage them and inspire them to aim higher and destroy the lies of the enemy in their lives. Then my friendship with the staff that there I would be able to build meaningful friendships where I can influence and share the gospel.  I have been able to pray for a few of them but I want to see God's kingdom break into their lives.

Going from being in a small community with YWAM I have gone to being in the massive community of Kings Church.  I miss not living with people in community but this is a new season and I am having to really watch even more how I live as I am living with my family although I have to say I fail miserably quite often but God is bigger than my mistakes and he can and will still use me here. The spirit is teaching me how not to react and how to act differently with them but it is a process.
I am so blessed to be part of such a loving community of course there are different kinds of friction when you bring men and women together even saints but God is gracious and he covers our failings with his love.
It is also amazing that God has brought me to this church when he is moving in a big way manifestations of the Holy Spirit are very common at the moment.  We are moving into a place we have never been before and indeed a place I have never been before I am very excited about what God is going to do.
It is amazing the way many many in the church have a hunger or thirst for God not just one or two and as a result God is showing up and many are spending more time with him.  It is common place to hear people say they spend time with God, and God has said.  It is exciting times we are living in and I love the way God has brought me back to Manchester when we are at the gateway to revival!!!  It is going to affect the communities around us and I am desperate to see how that is going to be worked out.
Pray for unity and for relationships and marriages particularly and that this new passion builds God's kingdom 

Two other things that God has been working out for me are driving lessons a friend of mine has been teaching me and I am studying at the moment for the theory test hopefully be able to take it in a few months time.
The school are starting a Maths GCSE course in a few weeks time been wanting to do this for years so I am actually excited about getting back into maths never thought I would say that.
Then the other thing that I can see God sorting out it my braces, I have been trying to get back into the NHS system but it has been like flogging a dead horse I have got no where.  So I have been having private treatment and if I am honest I believe that paying for it has caused me to move forwards in faith for finances.  It looks like they are coming off just after Christmas and that I will be able to have the implant which means more finances but perhaps ironically not as much as it would have cost me on the NHS I remember being quoted £6000 and that I would need to find more funding that would mean more time. On this scheme I can pay monthly a manageable amount and due to my budget the orthodontist has knocked off £50 off my treatment each time I go so down from £200 to £150 every 6 weeks God is so good!!!!!!!!
Please pray for finances that I can pay back all the debt from before and that God provides money for this new stage of my treatment.

So I am thinking of going into teaching, not sure how this is going to work out but some months ago when I prayed about it that is where I felt God is leading me.  Still I have dreams from years ago of opening a cafe which reaches out to young people giving them inspiration and encouragement, careers guidance and advice, as well as a place they can come to hang out feel safe and talk about things that bother them.  I have started looking at properties and business plans!!

Living with my parents but would love to have my own place or at least share with another one so that I can entertain and be hospitable it would also be good to mature in this area my own place would be nice, also a car to be able to be more flexible and be able to give people lifts etc! 
As always finances are needed for these things and God still provides where-ever I am
Please pray that God opens doors for these things and that he does these miracles because they will only happen with God

Ok I could possibly write more but for now that's all!!!


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