It has been an amazing summer in many ways, it seems so long ago!  I had the awesome possibility to be involved in two missions the first was in Liverpool which was called JESUS LOVES, it was a great time of equipping and the times we had with Jesus were very special in deed there was a kind of glory hanging in that room which looked like a cabin.  We went onto the streets telling the people in Bootle in particular about Jesus, we set up in a park with a small tent and band handing out balloons and popcorn,flowers we also were doing face painting for the children as well as worshipping in the park.  A highlight for me was when I decided to clear the park where we were with of litter and a few young boys offered to help me I was so touched.  Then they proceeded to ask me where I was from so I explained that I was from Manchester and that God had sent me to Liverpool because he wanted to show them that he loved them so much!  They were both amused and a little intrigued about this.  A little later on with a local lad I was able to invite them to the kids club a local church was running on the estate and even the young lad who was a bit skeptical seemed interested in coming especially as he was coming up to the age when he would be a youth and not a child so he could go to youth instead of the kids club!  I also got invited underneath a slide where a small group of girls were hanging out I had passed them earlier on and they had seemed quite hard to reach so I silently prayed that the Lord would help me reach them and a short time later with the same local lad we went to sit with them we told them about Jesus we played them some worship music and they let us pray for different situations in their lives this was a very special time indeed!  I forgot to mention that I prayed for a little boy with a poorly knee and he got healed he was so excited about what Jesus had done for him.  I truly believe that God is going to use that little boy to make such a massive impact on his estate.  Other times during that week we spent some time in a shopping centre, went on to the streets door knocking in one place we got invited in by a gentleman who was very depressed we prayed for him and I believe we definitely left some hope there.  I prayed for a man for his feet to grow don't know if he got healed but what I do know is that JESUS LOVES prepared me for the following week and has helped me to become BOLDER and BOLDER of course there is still some way to go but he is making me into the Lion that he has shown me he wants me to become!

The meetings were amazing the evening I remember the most was the fire tunnel that as women we created to bless the men it was a really powerful time.  I can honestly say I have never been so drunk in the spirit as I was that night, being filled up with the spirit happened regularly during the conference.  I believe God really started to plant something of joy in me throughout that time and I have really needed this ever since. The Joy of the Lord continues to be my strength He is good no matter what happens around or to us :)


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