Almost the greatest love story ever told acc to Angela and Reggie Episode 4

A few days later we video messaged again and for the first time I saw Reggie in a completely different light.  He was wearing a trendy burgundy top and he had a goatie beard which I have never let him shave off. He was a lot more chilled than I remembered. I suddenly saw that he was a lot more attractive to what I remembered. He still has the top that he wore that night as we video chatted and now I think its not my favourite as the neck is pulled. It's funny how God used that very top to help me see him in a new light. Not to be super spiritual but it was definitely the holy spirit who gave me fresh eyes. That first video call marked the beginning of our relationship. From that point on Reggie would message me all day every day and video call me every night.  There were times when I thought woah your attractive and other times when not so much. However they were the conversations that started to build our friendship. Now for Reggie we already had a strong friendship he was half way up the mountain of our relationship and yet I was literally at the starting gates. For me we were building from scratch as far as I was concerned I didnot know this man. However at the same time I knew that we had known each other for years. I also knew that we had been talking for years on and off but I had not put any emotional weight in these conversations. I now realized those conversations had been fairly deep about our missional lives. He was always so interested in what I was doing in my life, particularly the evangelism and youth work that I was doing long before we started an intentional relationship. At the beginning for me that's exactly what we had an intentional friendship, however in Reggie's head we were in a relationship. It took a long while for me to catch up with where Reggie was at.
God is good because he had been preparing me for this time building something with Reggie. I would say to Reggie that as far as I was concerned it was like we were having an online dating relationship because I had not actually seen him in the flesh and I would not see him properly face to face for 6 weeks. Now I had had many many online dating relationships some made it to one or two dates. Nonetheless many never even made it to actual physical date stage because I had screened them for what I was looking for. They had to have a real relationship with Jesus and not just a church goer. There were so many fakes out there and I had waited too long to get it wrong. So God had prepared me for the beginning of my relationship with Reggie which was both mainly online and distant.
Secondly I had mainly dated guys who were ethnically black the most recent was british Jamaican and the longest relationship I had before Reggie was with a guy called Sola who was Nigerian.
I was generally not interested in white guys and furthermore I didnot think they were interested in me. However just before Reggie had proclaimed is undying love I was getting more interest from white guys but once again they were not hot for Jesus.
The amazing thing about Reggie was that I didnot need to do any to this screening to see if he was a real christian I knew he was I also knew that he had an evangelistic gift and a calling in praying for healing. I also knew that he had done youth work. I knew that he was in love with Jesus.  I knew he had the same values as me. In those first few weeks of chatting every day on whats app I found out he was willing to live on an estate, he had already agreed to come and set up the cafe social enterprise project up which I had been dreaming about for many years.
I also found out rather quickly that his intentions were honorable, and that he was very interested in me and had no intention of giving up.
I am sure you have heard of the saying, " treat them mean to keep them keen." well there is some truth in that. I didn't exactly treat him mean but I was very reserved and I didnot give in quite so easily. You see this was new territory, I had had some guys interested in me online but well I didnt really believe them, I knew that they were not completely being truthful and that before long I would uncover something about them I didnt like. In some way their keeness was fake, many were desperate to get married and it didnt seem to matter who to. Now Reggie was very different I knew he was genuine he already knew me after all. In previous times in my friendships with guys it had always been me chasing them and even to some extent with my online dating life, which I could also write a blog about. Reggie was different, however is keenness and outright sureness that we were meant for each other freaked me out. I was bemused and freaked that he could have such strong feelings so fast. I was still at the do I like you stage and will I fancy you in person. He was talking about getting married and having kids within a matter of weeks.
At the beginning I said to myself that I would not make a decision about him until I met him face to face. I refused to fall in love before I had spent some time with him in person. The truth is though you cannot control these things and by the time we were meant to have our first date, he had convinced me that it was definitely worth giving him and us a chance. I would not admit to myself that I was in love. Though what does it really mean to be in love I will explore that in another blog.
Reggie promised a lot to me on those first few weeks and I would say for the most part he has delivered. One of those things which really softened my heart towards him. He said "I will look after your parents." Little did I realise how important this was to me. I didnot realise how much of a burden this had been on me alone as a single person.. This was one of those moments where I fell in love. Or At least this is where it started.


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