Time to turn the light on!

Once again as I release this word my hubby is preparing to go to the Netherlands for the second time for his Granny's funeral - God has provided again and continues to do so.

Three weeks ago whilst Reggie was away so much happened in that week, we had the interview between Oprah with Megan and Harry, which the whole country has been talking about.  I have to confess that I have not seen it.  As I quite often don't watch such things as I find that they can be very much twisted.  Having heard the media hype and what others have said about it and just by discernment I think there is something that does not quite meet the eye, something sinister behind it. 

Oprah is painted as the good Samaritan, a kind of saviour to the disenfranchised royals, but I am not here to talk about this.

However, I am here to talk about how things are really not as they seem, that there are many spiritual forces operating behind what we hear and see in the news. These media sources are certainly not in favour of the kingdom or our Lord Jesus.

With that being said I do want to talk about the second event that happened this week or just over a week ago.  A friend got in touch with us to say that their friend had gone missing in London.  Not long after this we started to see lots of reports on the news and it became apparent that this was a high profile. I am still not sure why this was all over the news.  I thought that people went missing every day or were even murdered. Even though that is a terrible fact I was surprised to see that this story got so much attention. We were really praying that the young woman called Sarah Everard would be found, but sadly that was not the case.  I have a theory of what was behind this read to the end to see what that is.

You may have seen the controversy of the Nike trainers who are being worn by a current rapper who to be honest I had never heard of until this week. Who is doing something obscene with someone playing Satan. To be frank its disgusting and there is a lot of other revolting things out there like some of the programmes in Holland that are promoting paedophilia. Satan is rising his head from the underworld giving us a glimpse of that he is really doing. Yes some of it is absolutely blatant.  

However I believe some of it is a smoke screen to what is really going on behind the scenes.

I sense that God is saying my Children you have no idea of the evil that is going on out there. I felt that God is saying that satanic cults have infiltrated many of our public services those that are making decisions at the top.  You may have read about the celebrities who are involved in Paedophilia and even the Restaurant which is a cannibal one.  

Like I said what we actually know and what is actually happening under the service is 10 times worse. 

Why do I say this, because I believe that we need to stop burying our heads in the sand. These appearances of the satanic in blatant display are a reminder of what is actually really going on, like my prophetic mentor Tomi Arayomi ( I am doing the SOAP school more about that in another blog and how that is going) said; Satan is overplaying his hand. We need to be willing to both accept this, but also be looking into ways to do something about it. Now, if we are smart we will see this as an indication to dig a bit deeper to find out what is really going on. 

You will know that many children go missing all the time, I think it is possible that so many of these children end up in Paedophilia  rinks or even worse. I know we don't like to think of things like child sacrifice in this day of age, but like I said there is a lot of evil out there.

I believe that in many ways the world has been tricked into believing that Satanism is a respectable religion like any other. Obviously as Christians we believe that Satanism is evil. However I think we under estimate how involved satanism is intertwined and actually behind many of the atrocities we hear about or indeed which go on which have been covered up. 

It is satanism that has infiltrated every sector of society. It is ran by the elite and feeds off the poor by controlling them. On the one hand very rich entrepreneurs who look like they are doing good giving millions to the poor but on the other hand they are involved in powerful underground paedophilic rinks. Apart from this there are very powerful people who are behind something called the Great Reset and the World economic Forum which is behind some very sinister things, including the controlling of people.( As I discover more and as I develop these ideas more I will be writing more about them with greater intelligence in due course.)

These satanists and those involved in darkness understand that one needs to be in position to rule. They use their money and power to get into powerful places to bring in their satanic policies which will perpetuate the worship of satan. These people are hoodwinking everyone and making even Christians believe that they are good people, convincing even the Christians think that salvation is from the good works they are doing. 

We are in a time when good has become bad and bad has become good, everything has been twisted. It is so important that we as believers need to have so much discernment when it comes to judging what is right and what is wrong, because sometimes it is not obvious and often we may be at odds with society which I will be expanding on in the future as well.

We have two options we can pretend these things are not happening and keep out of the way of it all or we can pray for God to show us what is actually going on and firstly pray the opposite pull down principalities and powers. We can also expose the darkness and we can pray and ask God what can we do to reverse what we are seeing. 

It can be scary when God reveals the strategies of the enemy to us, but that means that we can do something about it. So we need to be actively asking God to reveal these things to us so that we can be part of the solution. I recently spoke on our Church zoom that we have to be the ones who bring the solutions.  We have to be the ones who turn on the light and who actually will be the light. 

We need to be the ones who are rescuing others from darkness but also shining the light so that the darkness disappears. 

My theory of what happened to Sarah Everett is this;

She either knew about a satanist movement that the police officer/Officers were involved with or it was an initation into the covern which either went to plan and he was caught or it went too far.  Or someone else is responsible and this police officer somewhere down the food chain has taken the slack.  Which ever of these options is true I believe satanism and witchcraft were at the heart of this atrocity.  

I believe this is the case with many murders, rapes, crimes which have no rhyme reason or motive. Those who are involved in these evil spiritual realms are responsible for so much of the evil and wickedness that we see.  Why do I say this, because when someone gets to the point where it is not just a simple mistake but they have clothed themselves with darkness and the power of that evil world, this needs to be stopped. I believe it can be, but we as a church need to take back our spiritual authority.

Whether my theory ever comes to light is yet to be seen as there would be many reasons to try and cover this up as such covens and satanist groups would never want to be uncovered or for the public to know how much evilness they are behind. One thing is for certain is that these groups are responsible for poverty, drugs, prostitution and trafficking. 

I thought that I was the only one who had come to this conclusion but the other day I heard one of my favourite female prophets Emma Stark saying that witchcraft, satanism and masonry to throw that one in too, are responsible and behind so much of the evil like drugs that we see in our world.

She said that masonry has to do with owning power, witchcraft and satanism has to do with owning people and Jihad Anti-Christ movement has to do with owning land. 

This may all seem a bit doom and gloom like, but she went onto say that April marks a new era where as believers we are going to be given the ability to hear atrocities that are being planned in the spirit.  Such as when terrorism attacks are being planned, when and where traffickers are planning their operations and so much more. Again I have had this sense and desire that this is the direction we need to be going in. She talked about an Elisha Anointing and I accept this I don't know about you.

This means that once again we need to start moving in the supernatural and that means first to desire it. In turn therefore we need to be both making room for this, but also expecting this to break into our lives. We need to experience the kind of things we saw in the bible we need words of Knowledge means that we need to start practicing in this area. I am preaching to myself here as well. This is something I need to start moving in. I know that I need to lose any fear of failure. Why not practice on your friends I tried this a few months ago and I did have a little success but it is something I need to try again. As I get better I can believe for greater words of knowledge and then it can be useful to the police and other services. 

Wouldn't it be amazing if the police or solicitors or another service contacted us because they knew that we had a line to heaven and we could find out information that they are not able to obtain.

  Then we will be famous not for what we are against but for the amazing!


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