
Hello Folks 

Just wanted to send you an update on what is going on with me!  Well I am still in Manchester staying with my parents. Keeping up with the projects and journal I have to do for my counselling course which I am in the middle of. To recap I am here in England waiting for my leader to get her visa for the EU she is from Zambia it has been a long process so far.
On Monday she is going to the Italian Embassy once again so please would pray for miracles and the will of God.

I am taking advantage of being here in England and I will do so as long as I am here in terms of raising finances to pay off debt etc.  Whether I am here until next week or until the end of February I will still need to do one month of outreach in Argentina which actually be quite exciting although I will end up graduating one or two months after everyone else but I look forward to do counselling in Argentina and as I am not planning to leave YWAM just my role will stay the same as a student for a little longer. God has a plan and reasons for all this because as I have said before I know God is in the fact that I am in England and Manchester I believe he even arranged it.

Whether I end up going Latvia or not I will be going back to Argentina at the beginning of March and I have nearly half of the money for it but I still need to find the rest for the flight which is between £520 - £750.  Then there is my living costs back in Argentina and then when I am staff to over there.  Not sure what I will be doing but I am quite sure I will be working in the area of counselling, evangelism and the Arts.

I am also looking to build up my support base I am looking for people to commit to £20 per month which you can do in a number of ways detailed down below.
Please pray for these next few months of the outreach whether I spend the next month here and the following months in Argentina.  If I do end up in England for the next month pray it will be as productive as possible in every sense.

Please continue praying for my family as God continues to work in their lives as I believe he is doing whether I can see it or not.

I have also been building some online shops which I am posting the web-page http://www.etsy.com/shop/arthompsonart  again my blog is

A.R.T. Antics
Join me on the journey of my life which sometimes feels like a roller - coaster no two days are the same I am learning to enjoy life and this is a glimpse of me!

You can donate by going to and entering my email address daretobedifferent78@hotmail.com 
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My bank details are the following
Miss A Thompson 
Lloyds tsb 
A/C  36049560 
Sortcode 77-09-04

If you would like to give monthly you can donate through Stewardship which I can send you at a later date

Thank you to all those praying for me, and all those who have supported me financially I couldn't do this without you all!

Many Blessings 



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