God's sense of humor LOL

Back in January when I found myself in Manchester apparently stranded in transit waiting to carry on the rest of my course.  However my life was about to take an interesting turn.  In the previous months I had been pleading with God to sort my finances out.  We need to be so careful of what we pray as God really will take us at our word. Sometimes it is only by his grace that we don't get what we asked for!!
I remember writing one email and I mentioned as I often did the prayer point of getting out of debt however this time there were repercussions that I wasn't banking on. LOL!
I had an email from an old friend encouraging me to do something about it, as I mentioned it to a few people they were convinced that God had got me there to do something about it. In the following months God would make it very clear as he paved the way showing me that it was time to sort this area of my life out.
The first miracle was being lent the money to clear off my credit cards so that meant no more interest.  The second was being released to work here in Manchester!
What has struck me though this week is the way that God has been bombarding me with the whole subject of finances much of what we have heard about at Church was all about money, offerings and tithes.
Then if that wasn't enough last week I found myself working at a bank on the second day I had a light bulb came on I thought wow that is the reason God has me working in a bank I now cannot ignore my finances not under any circumstances.  That is what I see wherever I look I am in a corner and God is making it extremely clear that it's time.  The truth is that I probably should have sorted it out many years ago but well God has made it abundantly clear that I cannot ignore these things anymore ans well I shouldn't ever had ignored it.  I am glad of the opportunity God is giving me and the way he is paving the way for me quite literally!!


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