Kingdom of God and the BIG SOCIETY

I have been very impressed by the way the Archbishop spoke out against many of the policies that the government is pushing forward at the moment which are all based around the cuts.

The Archbishop is standing up for the poor which is what we are called to do, however I can't say I completely agree with what he said.  There isn't any money and that is why there are huge cuts and they are always going to be painful. 
A Bishop in response to The Archbishop of Canterbury said that another name for the Big Society was the Kingdom of God.  As the church it is our calling to reach out and meet the needs of the poor.

When I heard about the cuts a couple of months ago I thought to myself what an amazing opportunity we have as God's people to stand in the gap.  Many government services are going to be cut and perhaps completely removed.  We have in many ways been living in luxury our Health Service is one of the best in the world and that is the case on many different areas of society.
If we went back to the late 1800's or the early 20th Century the very fabric of British society was under girded with the gospel and principles and values from the Bible.  If you were to investigate into many of the social services you would find that many were Christians who came up with the ideas and pioneered services such as Children Homes, Schools, Trade Unions, electricity and many more. As Pastor Kofo told me a little while ago who is from Nigeria he said how English Christians were the one who gave us many of the inventions which we use today!

So rather than moaning at the cuts I think it would be a far better idea to put our hands to the plough and use this opportunity to build the kingdom be there for the poor and start being the answer to the people who are looking bewildered as their services are done away with.  I imagine that the Christians of over a hundred years ago were pray-fully investigating together with the Holy Spirit what was the need and how could it be met and well they actually did something about it.
Now it's our turn we could fight to try to stop the cuts but personally I think this is futile as there has to be cuts there is an economic crisis and not to be depressing but well for our neighbours it is going to get worse.   I have been amazed by the amount of homeless people I have seen in Manchester recently this I believe is a sign of the poverty that is right under our noses we could get angry at the cuts and wait for the government to change his mind about them!

Or we could get on our knees and listen to the Holy Spirit to see where and what we can do I am convinced that just as one hundred years ago the Holy Spirit will give us some amazing strategic world changing ideas.
The money may have run out for the government but well we have our bank account in a different sphere where it is limitless this apply financially too.

We have often looked to other countries to meet needs.  However I have maintained that there is so much need right under our noses and well perhaps until recently it has been mainly spiritual and it continues to be.  Although now we are faced with rising poverty and the desperation of the public not only do we have the answer in the Bible but we have know the source of all wisdom to solve all problems.

So we can be part of building the BIG KINGDOM here on earth and in Manchester so lets get going there is so much to do!!!!!


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